Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Top ten date- producing countries , 2001

The bar graph shows date production in tonnes for the world’s top producers in 2001. It shows the top ten date-producing countries.

Egypt is considered as the best and the biggest producer and its production exceeded one million tonnes. This is immediately followed by Iran with approximately 0.9 million. Following them the UAE and Saudi Arabia are competing with about 740,000 tonnes each. Pakistan and Iraq were not very far behind the advanced producers with about 630,000 tonnes. The rest were not much in terms of total productivity. Algeria provides the world every year with approximately 400,000 tonnes and Oman about 250,000 tonnes. However, production in Libya and Sudan is much less abundant.

In the end Egypt and Iran were the most productive in 2001. On the other hand, Libya and Sudan were the least productive.

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